June 13, 2024 Newsletter Images (do not remove)This is a placeholder for the Newsletter plugin images. You may edit and reuse this post but do...
August 1, 2022 Ahadu Bank marks maiden financial entryAhadu bank is said to start its operation on July 16, 2022 making it the 20th financial entrant...
August 1, 2022 Ahadu Bank plans to use agent banking servicesEshetu Fantaye, CEO of Ahadu Bank told Origins Business that the Bank has a plan to use agent banking services....
August 1, 2022 Ahadu Bank’s Founding President Bullish about Prospect Despite Economic Headwind AheadAhadu Bank’s founding President, Eshetu Fantaye, is bullish about the Bank's prospects despite cutthroat competition for equity and...
August 1, 2022 AHADU BANK OFFICIALLY STARTED WORKINGAhadu Bank was founded in 2021 by 17 organizing committee members and brought together more than 10,000 shareholders...
August 1, 2022 The Ahadu bank S.Co. is planning to purchase the following goods and servicesProcurement reference No.Ahadubank/FPMD/01/2022/23 The Ahadu bank S.Co. is planning to purchase the following goods and services Lot I...
August 1, 2022 INVITATION FOR LOCAL AND INTERNATIONAL COMPETITIVE BIDDERSAhadu Bank-(AHB) S.C, is working to acquire its License from the National Bank of Ethiopia. AHB will soon...
August 1, 2022 Ahadu Bank, inaugurated.Ahadu Bank was on Saturday officially inaugurated in the country as the latest private bank in Ethiopia. Ahadu...
July 29, 2022 Ahadu Bank plans to use agent banking servicesEshetu Fantaye, CEO of Ahadu Bank told Origins Business that the Bank has a plan to use agent...
July 29, 2022 ከብዙዎች ለብዙዎችአሐዱ ባንክ ሙሉ ዝግጅቱን አጠናቆ አገልግሎቱን ለመስጠት አሐዱ ብለን መጀመራችንን ስናበስር በታላቅ ደስታ ነው፡፡ የአሐዱ ባንክ ምስርታ እውን...