Invitation to National Competitive Bid
Reference No. Ahadubank/FPMD/04/2023/24
Ahadu Bank S.C invites eligible and interested Bidders for procurement of the under listed items. |
Lot I
Item | Description | UOM | Qty | BID Bond Amount |
1 | PROFESSINAL CAMERA with full Accessories (Tripod, sound nick mic, speed light flash, light bodox, light stand, with battery, hand mic, camera bag and stands bag, head Set, | PC | 1 | 50,000 |
2 | 5 KVA UPS | PCS | 5 | 100,000 |
3 | HARD DISC(10TB) | PCS | 10 | |
4 | SCANNER | PCS | 100 | |
5 | COPY Machine | PCS | 5 | |
7 | Heavy Duty Cash Counting Machine | PCS | 1 | |
Lot II
Item | Description | UOM | Qty | BID Bond Amount |
1 | Microsoft Windows Server 2022/23 Server Standard Edition | PCs | 20 core | 200,000 |
2 | MySQL Enterprise Edition Subscription | PCs | 4 Cores | |
3 | Cisco WebEX plus Licenses | PCs | 25 |
Item | Description | UOM | Qty | BID Bond Amount |
1 | ATM Card | PcS | 50,000 | 100,000 |
2 | PIN Miller | Pcs | 50,000 |
- A complete set of bidding document (SOFT COPY) can be obtained against payment of nonrefundable amount of Birr 200.00 (Two Hundred only) depositing at Ahadu Bank Meskel Square branch head office ground floor (SUNSHINE building in-front of Flamingo Restaurant) during office hours (from Monday to Friday: – 8:00 am-12:00 am and 1:00pm -5:00pm, Saturday: -8:00am -12:00am).
- The bid document shall be obtained from Bank Head Office Facility and Procurement Management Directorate Sun shine building, in front of Flamingo Restaurant 1st floor from.Sep.5, 2023 G.C. until Sep..20, 2023 G.C. until 5: 00 Pm
- Bidder who are interested to participate in the tender should have and fulfill the following basic requirements.
3.1. A renewed trade license for the sector and Active Tax clearance from the concerned Gov. Authority
3.2. Tax identification number and Value added tax Certificate
- Bid must be accompanied by bid security in the form of CPO or UNCONDITIONAL Bank guarantee in favor of Ahadu Bank S.C as specified above.
- Bidder must submit the Technical and Financial bid document separate envelopes, labeled as original and copy accompanied by stated bid security.
- Bid will be Closed and Opened on Sep.21, 2023 (2:00pm for Lot I, 3:00 pm for Lot II and 4:00pm for Lot III) at Facility and Procurement Management Directorate office in the presence of bidders and /or their representative (who wish to attend the opening session)
- The bid price should be valid for 90 days starting from the bid opening date.
- The bid security should remain intact for 120 days starting from the bid opening date.
- Failure to comply with any of the conditions stated above shall result in automatic rejection.
- The Bank reserves the right to reject the bid either partially or fully without giving reasons thereof.
For any information you may contact the following telephone number.
Facility and Procurement Management Directorate
Tel. +251-115-26-07-96